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Welcome to Thrapston Town Council
Thrapston Town Council provides your local services and a democratic and representative voice for the community. We strive to make Thrapston a better place to live, work and visit and we support and contribute towards the sustainable economic and social well-being of the town, having regard to the needs and wishes of the local community. Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do. There is also the Town Guide which contains lots of useful information. Use the search or browse the site to find whatever you are looking for. If you can't find the information you require then please contact us.
Thrapston Town Council serves a community of approximately 9500 residents. It consists of 13 Councillors elected for a term of four years who will now hold office until May 2025. Thrapston Town Councillors are all elected members and they receive no financial allowances for their term in office.